This is a sharing platform where volunteers trying to teach can share their teaching methods, resources, tips&tricks.

If you are a volunteer trying to teach, feel free to be inspired and find useful information.
If you want to share, feel free to contact me:

I did my volunteer service August 2014-2015 in Malawi.
I was part of the German government program "weltwärts". My organization was Kolping Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste. When people asked me what I was doing in Malawi, I used to answer:

"I am working at a Primary School."
- "Oh, are you a teacher?"
"No, I am trying to teach."

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Songs for the Morning circle


The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!
The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!

Welcome to Shamilu, get on board, chu chu!
The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!

Welcome to Vanvica, get on board, chu chu!
The Welcome Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!


The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!
The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!
The Welcome-Train is coming, get on board, chu chu!

(train stops, teacher pulls a imaginary rope)
Chu chu!
children: chu chu!
teacher: Chuuuuh. (deeper)
children: chu…

Thank You – Song

tune: Danke für diesen guten Morgen

Thank you for this beautiful morning
Thank you for this bright new day
Thank you that we are all together
And can learn and play!

Don Pepito

for learning how to greet and how to express feelings

tune: Hola Don Pepito
with gestures

I know two really crazy neighbours,
Two neighbours very polite.
I know two really crazy neighbours,
Two neighbours way too polite.

When they meet at a street corner,
Or they meet in a tee room,
You always hear them greet each other,
And see them shaking,
Shaking hands –

Hello Don Pepito! (shake hands with a partner)
Hello Don Jóse!
How are you my friend?
I am very fine today! (show thumbs up)
What about your grandma? (lift shoulders and hands)
I think she´s fine as well. (lift shoulders and hands)
See you, Don Pepito! (wave goodbye)
See you, Don Jóse!
(repeat 2 times, each time a little bit faster)

Winding Bubblegum

with gestures

Winding bubblegum (wind your arms forward)
Winding bubblegum
Pull pull, clap clap clap! (put fists in front of your chest together and pull them apart, clap your hands)

Winding back again (wind your arms backward)
Winding back again
Pull pull, clap clap clap!

Point to the roof, point to the floor (point upward, point downward)
Point to the window, point to the door
Clap hands together, One two three
Put your hands down on your knees.

children shout: Faster! Faster!
You repeat the song, every team faster and even faster!

Once I caught a fish alive

with gestures

One, two, three, four, five (count on your fingers)
Once I caught a fish alive (throw an imaginary fishernet over your shoulders)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again. (sweep with your hands forward)

Why did you let it go?
Because it bite my finger so. (left hand "eats" the right hand)
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right. (show the little finger on your right hand)

possibility to make learning the song easier: teacher sings first, children repeat
teacher: One, two, three, four, five
children: One, two, three, four, five
teacher: Once I caught a fish alive
children: Once I caught a fish alive (…)

In the land of Paradise

with little dancing steps to the left and right

In the land of paradise,
Where we will be no suppliers,
No sorrow, no worry, that´s all.

It´s okay, it´s okay
It´s okay, it´s okay
It´s okay to my body over thee-ee-ee


whenever it rains in the raining season
Tune: Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen

with movements. we start standing very closely (Make a circle, make a circle, smaller circle, smaller circle)

1)      Raindrop, drip drop, drip drop (imitate raindrops with your fingers on the palm of your hand)
Where did your journey start? (protect your eyes with one hand from an imaginary sun and look to the sky)
You come from the clouds (point up to the sky)
Your way must be far!
(take each other´s hands and pull the circle outwards to make it a big circle)

2)   Raindrop, drip drop, drip drop
You let the grass grow (imitate growing grass with the fingers and hands)
You give the world green colour (form a globe with your hands and arms)
and let the rivers flow!
(take each others hands and produce a wave with your arms that goes around the circle)

3)      Raindrop, drip drop, drip drop
Thanks for coming by
You water the fields (imitate with your arms a wide plane landscape)
and make the maize come up high!
(stand on tiptoes and stretch your fingertips to the sky)

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