This is a sharing platform where volunteers trying to teach can share their teaching methods, resources, tips&tricks.

If you are a volunteer trying to teach, feel free to be inspired and find useful information.
If you want to share, feel free to contact me:

I did my volunteer service August 2014-2015 in Malawi.
I was part of the German government program "weltwärts". My organization was Kolping Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste. When people asked me what I was doing in Malawi, I used to answer:

"I am working at a Primary School."
- "Oh, are you a teacher?"
"No, I am trying to teach."

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Morning circle

1)      children enter the nursery-hall and sit down on chairs, teacher greets the children: “Good morning, learners! – Good morning, madam! – How are you? – We are fine, and how are you? – We are/ I am also fine. Let´s go outside for the morning circle!”
2)      Outside under a tree we take each others hand and form a circle: “Make a circle, make a circle! Bigger circle, Bigger circle!”
3)      “Clap hands!” Clapping hands has the effect that the children let go each other´s hand
4)   the teacher steps out of the circle and goes around it, starting the welcome train: “The welcome train is coming, get on board, Chu chu! Welcome to Anifa, get on board Chu chu!” Every child that is welcomed by name steps out of the circle and gets part of the welcome train
5)   When the train is complete and every child is on board, the teacher shouts “Chu chuuu!” and the children answer “chu chuu!” and the train stops, the children make a circle again and we start singing the fist song, the “Thank you-Song” (see: Songs)

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