This is a sharing platform where volunteers trying to teach can share their teaching methods, resources, tips&tricks.

If you are a volunteer trying to teach, feel free to be inspired and find useful information.
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I did my volunteer service August 2014-2015 in Malawi.
I was part of the German government program "weltwärts". My organization was Kolping Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste. When people asked me what I was doing in Malawi, I used to answer:

"I am working at a Primary School."
- "Oh, are you a teacher?"
"No, I am trying to teach."

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015


Every girl likes to dress up and feel beautiful!!!


a) We invested some fundings in beauty-items:
  • Make-up Powder (Black Opal Nr.3)
  • Lipssticks
  • Nail polish
  • Eyeshadow
  • mirrors
b) We searched nice fashion pictures in the internet, got them printed and made some „fashion-magazine-sheets“ to show to the girls
Especially nice pictures were found at the vlisco (fabrics-factory) homepage:

The Meeting

We divided the girls into 3 groups. Each group sat down at a table with a teacher and discussed one of the following topics, after 20 minutes, the groups turned tables and teachers. After 60 minutes, every group had spoken with every teacher about every topic:

(A)  Fashion

We looked at the fashion pictures and spoke about dressing:
Why do we dress up?
How should we dress for school? How can we dress up for a party? Why is there a difference?
How can me match clothes and accessories?
How can we save money?
How can we make our hair or wear a head band (Chichewa mpango)?

In a seperate activity, we took some learners out of the classes and showed them how to fix their torn clothes.

(B)  Hygiene

What is personal hygiene?
Why is personal hygiene important?
What is menstruation?
Why do girls bleed once a month?
How can we help ourselves during menstruation?

In a separate activity, we planned to show the girls how to sew their own sanitary napkins, but we didn´t find the time. Nevertheless, the materials needed is only old cotton clothes and there are plenty of sewing instructions in the internet. Also I knew some development programs in Malawi, with whom I could have started a cooperation.

(C)  Make-up

One of our female colleagues was very enthusiastic in styling. So she and and the girls had a lot of fun painting themselves with the make up-items that we had bought.

I regret that we didn´t take more photos which we could have displayed in the dining hall or somewhere in the school later, because the girls were very proud of how pretty they looked, and they absolutely love PHOTOS!

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