This is a sharing platform where volunteers trying to teach can share their teaching methods, resources, tips&tricks.

If you are a volunteer trying to teach, feel free to be inspired and find useful information.
If you want to share, feel free to contact me:

I did my volunteer service August 2014-2015 in Malawi.
I was part of the German government program "weltwärts". My organization was Kolping Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste. When people asked me what I was doing in Malawi, I used to answer:

"I am working at a Primary School."
- "Oh, are you a teacher?"
"No, I am trying to teach."

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Learning Islands

After the morning circle and toothbrushing, the children can chose what and with whom they want to play. There are different learning islands arranged around the hall:

-         Bricks
-         Toys
-         Cars
-         Cuddly toys
-         Disguise box
-         Drawing and painting
-         Parlour games box
-         Activity box (balls, rope, frisbees)

Independent playing promotes a childs creativity. They also learn how to play with other children. We have got some extra “room-seperators” made out of wood and chitenge cloth to separate the learning islands, to give the children some privacy and to help them to concentrate only on their creative play.

 Put together, the room-seperators do not need much storing place.

A big shelf helps to organize the toys and materials.

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