This is a sharing platform where volunteers trying to teach can share their teaching methods, resources, tips&tricks.

If you are a volunteer trying to teach, feel free to be inspired and find useful information.
If you want to share, feel free to contact me:

I did my volunteer service August 2014-2015 in Malawi.
I was part of the German government program "weltwärts". My organization was Kolping Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste. When people asked me what I was doing in Malawi, I used to answer:

"I am working at a Primary School."
- "Oh, are you a teacher?"
"No, I am trying to teach."

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

No means No worldwide!

„…There is this special day, which they call "Very Special Day" where a man who is hired by the community comes to the camp and sleeps with the little girls. Imagine the trauma that these young girls go through every day. Most girls end up pregnant. They even contract HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. (…) On the other side, there is this girl. She's amazing. (Laughter) (Applause) I call her amazing because she is. She's very fabulous. That girl is me. (Laughter) When I was 13 years old, I was told, you are grown up, you have now reached of age, you're supposed to go to the initiation camp. I was like, "What? I'm not going to go to the initiation camps…“

Girls in Malawi and other African countries have to cope with a lot of problems. Memory Banda is a leading warrior for Girls´ Right and has given an inspirational speech at TED conference that gives you a good picture of the everyday situation of girls in Malawi:

No means No – campaign

Good luck, that we meet Glory from the campaign „No means no worldwide“! The campaign fights for girls´ rights in Africa and is supported by unicef. „No means No“ is a campaign by the organization Ujamaa Pamodzi Africa and started in Kenya.

Link to the website of the campaign:

I asked Glory in private, if they could also come to our school, even if we were not governmental. And they came!

We gathered all girls from Standard 4 up to Standard 8 in the school hall. The girls from No means No teached them first in theory about Girls´ Rights, Sexual Assault – later the girls got practical lessons in self-defence: real boxing and shouting and fighting! We all had fun and learned a lot!

I am shure if you contact them, they will help you out with materials or maybe come to your school.

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